Inherent stain and slip resistance makes commercial-grade quarry tile ideal for high-traffic or water-prone areas. Superior performance in a textured surface stands up to your toughest spaces for residential or light commercial areas.

The unglazed and textured surface of quarry tile makes it naturally slip-resistant - perfect for areas with water exposure.
The unglazed and textured surface of quarry tile makes it naturally slip-resistant - perfect for areas with water exposure.
Quarry tile is an excellent choice for commercial spaces due to its texture and easy maintenance.
Quarry tile is an excellent choice for commercial spaces due to its texture and easy maintenance.
Easy to care for
Quarry tile is a time-proven choice for low-maintenance and durability.
Quarry tile is a time-proven choice for low-maintenance and durability.
Additional Resources
Designed for Trade Pros
All our products are for everyone, but these were developed with Pros in mind.
stepwise™ Slip resistance
StepWise™ technology infused into tile makes it 50% more slip resistant.
Selecting Floor Tile
Learn from our experts how to choose the perfect floor tile for your project.