This sedimentary slate-inspired design offers a rich visual with depth and interest in two tile sizes – plus a 20 x 40 tile paver in 2cm thickness suitable for exterior applications. Coordinate with a random linear mosaic or 3D brick-joint mosaic.

Target Dcof Wet Suitable Dry & Level - Interior Floor N/A ✔ Wet & Level - Interior Floor ≥0.42 ✔ Shower Floors (Residential or Light Commercial) ≥0.42 Exterior Floor Applications (including pool decking & other wet areas with minimal footwear) ≥0.60 ✔ Ramps & Inclines ≥0.65 Walls/Backsplashes N/A ✔ Countertops N/A ✔ Pool Linings N/A 1/8" ● A DCOF value of greater than or equal to 0.42 is the standard for tiles specified for level interior spaces expected to be walked upon when wet, as stated in ANSI A137.1-A326.3. For more information about DCOF and the DCOF AcuTestâ„¢, visit
● Manufacturer Advisory: All tile is measured by the DCOF AcuTestTM method. Tiles with DCOF values less than 0.42 are not recommended for use in areas with wet or slippery conditions. For more information, see ANSI standard A137.1 section, available at
● Suitable for exterior applications in freezing and non-freezing climates, when proper installation methods are followed.
Technical Specifications
Test Method Floor Tile Mosaic Tile Water Absorption ASTM C373 < 0.5 < 3.0 Breaking Strength ASTM C648 > 275 lbs > 275 lbs Scratch Hardness ASTM MOHS 8 8 Chemical Resistance ASTM C650 Resistant Resistant -
Durability Chart
Floor Surface Wear Resistance 1 - Residential Bathrooms 2 - All Residential Areas 3 - All Residential / Light Commercial 4 - All Residential / Commercial
Available Trim (5)